The Weaver Code is a book by a guy (NUT) who claims to have decoded hidden codes (NUT!) in cloths from the 12th century (DOUBLE NUT!). Yeah I know... Hahahaha...but...but...what he says is what Darius Lockwood was saying all along...urg

On the 31st December, I found a Purple Kingstone USB thumb drive on the New York subway on the Flushing Line (7) between Rawson and Bliss.. It was in a brown envelope with one word 'WEAVERS' written on it....Sorry I was in a rush, so I couldn't hand it in.... I'm going to post a few things from the stick here so someone can find it. If it's yours email me at Ooo I feel like a detective...And if you, mystery owner, feel like giving me a $$$$$$ reward, I won't complain!