Saturday, 29 March 2008
This Is Over
Last night, someone broke into my apartment..Lucky BF was around to patch up after a row...I was going to make a joke then but actually I'm really f**king scared now... Around 2am I woke hearing noises...I woke him...he didn't want to get out of bed...neither did I...we called the cops on the cell...they came quick...but it was a good half hour before they convinced us they were really the cops and we came out of the bedroom... front door had been forced...laptop gone...door man saw nothing ...cops reckoned whoever broke in came in with a bunch of party people who came in about 12ish...i am outa here...seriously, this blog, the apartment, maybe even this city...scary people who want to scare me off all this 2012 Weavers bullshit? you've done your job. I am scared and scared off - official...this is it...DONE
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Whom Of Destiny?
My new 'friend' Agent In The Mystery has been struggling with Amazon...I'm a library girl - all of sudden - but his story is a spook no doubt... he orders a pretty book on The Weavers... it doesn't arrive... he checks on Amazon...the book is gone...not just out-of-stock but it was never there ever...i got chills reading it...proper cat-licking-your-ear chills....

Saturday, 15 March 2008
The Weaver Code?
As ever these days, I just don't know what to think...The world is full of nuts and I seemed to have become one... I've started looking at back-button websites like this and stroking my chin as I actually read them ...I even went to the library yesteday! Pass the steak knife...this ol' girls fully flipped...
The Weaver Code is a book by a guy (NUT) who claims to have decoded hidden codes (NUT!) in cloths from the 12th century (DOUBLE NUT!). Yeah I know... Hahahaha...but...but...what he says is what Darius Lockwood was saying all along...urg
The Weaver Code is a book by a guy (NUT) who claims to have decoded hidden codes (NUT!) in cloths from the 12th century (DOUBLE NUT!). Yeah I know... Hahahaha...but...but...what he says is what Darius Lockwood was saying all along...urg

Thursday, 13 March 2008
Journal Entry Number 4 of 568
Okay I'm posting another portion of this dudes diary... Couple of reasons... One, no bites on the string, so I'm getting kinda bored and those lime green Aigle wellingtons I wanted buy with the reward money are starting to look looking REAL expensive... Two...I'm creeped out...there's something not quite right about this ... the more I try to get on top of it the more I'm getting sucked in ... it's worse than Crackbook. Three .. .reading these diaries - I actually kind of like the guy and I'm getting properly WORRIED about him... Here goes nothing, another piece of the pie. (if I still don't get any bites on this, I may upload the entire thing - is that wrong??)
November 10th 17:03
“Another article rejected today. FFS! Drew asked me if I had anything about video games! FFFFFFFS! It’s getting increasingly hard to pitch this stuff, despite all the research I’ve done. Even as a think-piece or a ‘what if’ or a 'hahah nutters' piece. Drew actually made me feel like a Schedule 1 fruit for even suggesting it. Actually he was close to fucking rude. I wrote a long reply but didn’t bother sending it in the end. What’s the point? No one buys the connection between the BotNet and The Weavers. Or even a theoretical sniff of one. No one is interested in a cards-on-the-table discussion about 2012. No one is interested in the patterns linking Bot emails.”
Friday, 7 March 2008
Another one bites the dust....
So I asked about the Weavers on yahoo Answers… It was there for a few days, it got a few answers and then without any notification it was deleted…

turned into this....

errrrrr.... hello Mr Yahoo?... wtf ??

turned into this....

errrrrr.... hello Mr Yahoo?... wtf ??
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