I've had a nose around :) there's a lot of stuff on here ..... docs and photos mainly...I've not read it...I BELIEVE in privacy...as long as its not my bf's computer ;) Most of it seems to be about 'The Weavers' which I'm guessing aren't the influential folk quartet based in Greenwich village.... thankyou Google!... there are no contacts, emails, numbers..... so if any of this is familiar to you, mail me...
some writer's diary... seems quite personal
a lot of scanned docs... handwritten, diagrams, notes - mostly about these Weavers
folder of images ... mix of stuff - might post a few
loads of docs ... in folders called '! Articles', '! Research', '! Weavers' - ring a bell???
no home made porn :(( ... I looked
i may post some of this stuff when I've got time....