November 5th 07:51
"2012. The (large) rational, science-loving part of my brain finds it hard stroke impossible to believe that an ancient prophecy by a human-sacrificing, magic mushroom chewing civilisation had any relevance today. But so much is scheduled to happen in 2012 that you no longer have to be some Acid-Fried Mystic Burnout (AFMB) to believe it. Peak oil production. Solar flares. Pole reversal. Astronomically, the Earth is aligned facing the centre of the Milky Way for the first time in 186,000 years in December 21st 2012. It’s weird. It’s like there’s a big black hole sucking all these events together. But, I was thinking today, could we be making it happen? Is that how prophecy works. It’s not like a prediction but instead a prophecy is a story broadcast into the future so that others can make it happen. All this 2012 stuff, all this Weavers stuff, apocalypse - it does almost seems stage managed. And if it doesn’t happen, according to the prophecy, maybe somebody will step in and make it happen? Yeah now I do sound like an Acid-Fried Mystic Burnout. Bed."
On the 31st December, I found a Purple Kingstone USB thumb drive on the New York subway on the Flushing Line (7) between Rawson and Bliss.. It was in a brown envelope with one word 'WEAVERS' written on it....Sorry I was in a rush, so I couldn't hand it in.... I'm going to post a few things from the stick here so someone can find it. If it's yours email me at lisabiscuit@gmail.com... Ooo I feel like a detective...And if you, mystery owner, feel like giving me a $$$$$$ reward, I won't complain!